Under normal conditions, heat insulation familiar structures built with brick after brick layer interposed in the first and then the second brick layer of foam was provided by weaving. Thus, although further increased thickness of the wall, it becomes necessary to use bricks were a little more. However, new construction materials produced, brings together many solutions, as well as a more secure, efficient, high quality and easy implementation with attention. Examples of technological materials that we mentioned recently izotermit increasingly widespread use of brick might take. Reduce labor, reduce costs, and shorter time to build structures to handle more than one problem at the same time construction technology developed block diagram on the basis of these bricks are one of the largest solution. block diagram
İzotermit bricks, building products used today technological birisidir.eps of expanded polystyrene foam having i.e. the bricks on the walls and the insulation, and also brings about an easy work-up. Fill insulated block walls, known as pumice bricks at one time, while allowing the solution of many problems, is very advantageous from an economic standpoint. All of these, as well as being extremely light and durable izotermit attracting attention with bricks, as well as reduce the burden of building, are quite safe against natural disasters. These products block diagram have the advantage of easy plaster their specific solutions there are izotermit. Having different weight block diagram and diameter izotermit bricks, and optionally based on the structure block diagram to be varies.
Born in Istanbul in the construction industry particularly the work I did on decorating. Starting from the first step of a house will be called a turnkey, especially at the point of fine craftsmanship with the appraisal report of the apartments, the apartment block diagram is located according to the state of the environment has set the price on my work. Still living in Istanbul and current information about the campaign will offer carefully. block diagram
June 3, 2014 İzotermit block diagram Brick and Heat Insulation İzotermit Brick and Heat Insulation, block diagram about research papers with our other home campaigns can get an idea, home study and home comparisons can find, İzotermit Brick and Heat Insulation with photos, reviews, pictures, prices, information about you can reach . Also share your opinion with us, you can comment below.
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