Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to An Hour With an Angel, Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of "The New You: Coming-forth in the Listening Heart Consciousness of Humanity." Joining her then Steve Beckow, founder of the "Golden Era of Gaia" and author of "Building Nova Earth: towards a World that Works for Everyone".
Steve Beckow: Thank you very much Graham. And before satel we welcome St. Germaine, Linda, you have a live stream that is coming satel up on June 8th, I believe. Can you tell us a little bit about?
Linda Dillon: Well, I'm excited to tell you about it. Thank you, Steve. Yes, we have a live stream that is coming up on June 8 from 1:00 to 2:30 pm EDT. And the topic, the purpose of the livestream is to give energetic downloads, attunements, meditations and channeling of the Divine Mother about this gift of Love, which has already begun in earnest, more information, I would say, on the entire planet.
And we have a lot of people who are experiencing the Tsunami of Love and Ascension. I think these two are really connected to each other, but then there are also people who want to improve satel the energy and want to receive. satel Fuller experience of the tsunami
So if you really want to feel the tsunami Mothers Love, full download come and join us on June 8th. Go to the Council satel of Love or the Golden Age of Gaia websites. Just click on the link and you can register and we are on our way!
LD: Yes, we do. And it started a few months ago, when the Council began to share from a lot of people who actually fly through the Ascension portal it, through it fly, and do what we call a U-turn, they are these visions of people with me come back, gather more people, bring them through it, and make a U-turn. And you, Steve, suggested the phrase, "Airy Ascension," which is perfect I think! (1)
But I began increasingly to ask the people, and then gave the people in their lectures or conversations that they either had the feeling satel that they ascended or had a very different perspective available on their daily lives and how they see the world where names. satel
It felt as if they were multi-dimensional, satel inter-dimensional, see things with their third and fourth eyes. So, we see increasingly large numbers of people who pass through the Ascension Portal, which have lifted to the experience, not only dimensionally but also in their true essence, their hearts, their being, that extension, and then come back to where we think as the rest of the Third Dimension, and help gather people.
That really is the meaning of being a handbook (and port supervisor), right? And yes, the Council says that this will continue. And maybe St. Germaine has to share something with us, but I would expect that the intensity of these will increase during the month of June phenomenal.
LD: Yes, and I think it's the Christian is not only a Roman Catholic, but the Christian tradition, this is the day when, 40 days after the death and supposed resurrection of Jesus Sananda, he with his form in / from the ascended heaven. And so I think this is a perfect evening for all of us to unfurl our wings our hands to stabbing, and let's go!
They are not the same. I recently wrote an article on the subject. Ascension means going to another dimension, specifically the Fifth Dimension. The Fifth Dimension itself has sub, so the actual experience of Sahaja Samadhi, for example, is probably not something that we will have until we, I believe, satel reached the second subregion of the Fifth Dimension.
For example, Ramana Maharshi had actually Sahaja Samadhi, but he remained in the Third Dimension. Therefore, they are not necessarily linked to each other. Other levels of Ascension are associated with different levels of lighting, (2) thus yield some level of relief not Ascension.
LD: I think that is really an important point, Steve, that you made in your wonderful articles for people to understand, because it is that we sometimes, if your reading public, dear Steve, forward tend to become confused about Enlightenment and Ascension.
And it's important to remember that each dimension that is available in the human experience, one through to twelve, twelve of these sublevels have. So yes, we go through that portal it. And what we expect is more like the big bang.
StG: And welcome to you. Welcome to you all. And yes, regarding this opportunity which you have marked as Ascentiedag / Ascension in so many of your calendars - it would wi
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