Rumors that somewhere on the outskirts of Belarus, there is another Free Theatre, rki and sometimes reached to Minsk. But isolated in their environment, we knew almost nothing about that in a few more years before the theater in the capital, which will soon be known all over the world, in Brest enthusiasts, do not agree to the terms of external and internal lack of freedom, already began his project - Free Theatre. It was 2001, and under this name they lasted ten years to re-emerge as "Wings of a slave." Over the years the theater created about a dozen plays, performances and concerted happening. This group regularly participates in international festivals and workshops, but the official rki theatrical map of Belarus it is not. To learn how to work "under bondage" call "professional", fighting arts councils, as well as a new stage of its activity tells the founder of the theater, actress and director Oksana nuts.
Oksana nuts: The main idea for us if there was a desire to change the world around - if not the world, but at least the situation here in the city, in the country. Then we were very young, and we thought it possible. We have seen the reality rki that we are not satisfied and wanted to somehow affect it. The theater seemed to us just the way that it was possible to tell that we are concerned, it hurts. None of us did not have a special theatrical training. We raved Harms and decided to start with him. And six months rki later I was lucky I got in Teatr Ósmego Dnia on his first master class. This theater has influenced me more and their active political stance: he supported the strike of workers in socialist Poland, squatters, was once forced to go into exile.
Then bylonavuchanne in theaters Nukleo, Akademia Ruchu, Biuro Podróży, Odin Teatret, Richard Shehnera, Mary Burrows with Living Theatre, a trip to the best theater festivals in Poland, where I saw what happens theater. So when we did our first show - "Elizabeth Bam" by Harms - already know what acting training, self-involved body and voice. But the original is our promise - to change the situation around - remained. We put Kafka, Harms or "Bondarovna" Kupala - all somehow find an echo in our political rki and social here and now. Therefore, we are not afraid to call themselves political theater.
AG.: We felt that through the theater we're trying to win freedom. We even had a manifesto, rki in which we announced a lot of big things. Here is a quote, for example: "The meaning of the word" freedom "was now so old tired and blurry that you have to constantly get to the point. Freedom - that's what interests us most - and the ability to search and purchase it for themselves in terms of unfreedom. "
AG. Yes, we are interested in different things. The aesthetics of street theater has always attracted us. We have had experience with the Warsaw theater rki "Remus" in them, we learned to walk on stilts, make masks. The first performance was on the street "Bondarovna" Kupala. Then there was a street parade "Malefitsium" and "Zvonitletet" by Harms. "Malefitsium" to get a universal and probably so popular. We showed it at the opening rki of international festivals and in children's homes, in the doorways of Warsaw and Prague City Day. Photos from this show has become advertising Lublin in the race for the title of cultural capital. We have made this show is open to all comers.
AG.: There was an interesting story with our clown bike ride on the first of May. We are in the costumes rki and makeup clowns just sat on the bikes and rode into the city center, which hosted the celebrations. But it turned out that we have clowns - prohibited action. We stopped by the police, rewrote all the passports and sent under escort back to the sleeping area from where we came. I was wearing a huge blue shoes -So I was told that in these shoes do not walk around the city.
"Malefitsium" had great success on the Day of the city. Action in the aesthetics of European carnivals, drums, masks - the crowd naroduv Brest accompanied this miracle. It was a tale of power and money, but the external aesthetics are not allowed to read the threads directly, so in Brest, everything went smoothly. Our last Harms - of prison authorities, eavesdropping, spies. As if all the ridiculous and absurd, but read something else: what is it about us.
Officials, of course, also understood. Constantly trying to drive to the periphery, to us it was not heard and not seen. And they do it to be honest. When there was no internet, we tried to stick posters everywhere: they wanted the city to recognize that we exist. rki And always our attempts with posters accompanied by shouting they say, why you need it, who will come to you? These posters banned indefinitely: sitting in the corner of the club, it was stated, but that no one knew. Dagetulu Brest not many people know about us. I am glad that with the development of the Internet we have more opportunities. Thus, for example, banned in Brest Pryazhko reading of the play "Cowards" we are of anh