The central banks of the U.S., euro area, Japan and the UK used a similar method to combat the crisis, lowered interest rates to zero, they began to provide free credit banksterom and started to buy from banksters various assets at very high prices, far higher than market prices. Banksterzy hlektronikh willingly took these free trillion but instead of supporting them, they began to spekukować asset markets, resulting in another asset price bubbles, which are now starting to crack. As a result of this activity gains banksters and multinational corporations have increased and income of the people have fallen or are at a standstill. In this way, the elite corporate and banking world that are in the pockets of politicians, planners and have carried out a plan to fight the crisis, which makes the poor become poorer and the rich richer. hlektronikh
These elite openly say that they implemented the policy is intended to lead to higher inflation, so that the real value of debt falls and after some time the world will be able to grow normally again. But if the goal was to increase inflation, it was still easier hlektronikh to print a hundred thousand hlektronikh euros or dollars per person and give them away. People in fear of price increases would have immediately released the money situation would be great for a while, inflation would actually increase the real value of debts that fell.
I think it is worth asking this question? Why, for five years, to no avail central banks are trying hlektronikh to increase inflation by printing money and giving hlektronikh it banksterom, while this could be achieved within six months hlektronikh giving the printed money to ordinary people. On this question there are many answers, below are some of them: banksterzy have control over the people through their indebtedness, hand people money and debt reduction would mean the loss of control, and it banksterzy not agree; banksterzy have their people everywhere have the key politicians in the pocket , and ordinary people do not have a democratic representation of defending their interests, the law written by politicians dictated banksters allows banksterom giving money, but not to give money to ordinary hlektronikh people, politics printing money does not make sense and can lead to a number of pathologies, because as we all know wealth can not be printed. But what's the harm pursue a policy hlektronikh does not make sense, if the occasion banksterzy may become even more rich.
Cassander says:
I am very happy that hit you in the populist bell for giving money to people. Well - in our beloved country operate grants for thermal modernization, ecological hlektronikh septic tanks and solar systems that can each receive.
A prerequisite for a grant - is a loan, because the subsidy hlektronikh is a payment of interest by the state. Just took the family on his own. The Polish edition of socialism comes down to punching kabzy banks and not "poor" which is to support the new system.
A modest, poor Smith helps indirectly by the state of the second Smith to the latter became even bogatszy.Systemy payments, known are for people who already have something at the start (self determination). It is difficult to do something is capitalized at 100%, after all, is not sponsoring.A these systems tend to be very "tight" visible .... of course the size of the villa which is montowane.Choć there are exceptions to the rule.
even forgot to add that the direction of maximum stratification of society and the richest 1% of the caste that every day will do the bunga bunga with 10-year-old girls, it is their desire
U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew warned members of Congress that by mid-October, the government will not have the means to repay the debt, if the maximum debt level will not be increased.
Expenses of the United States in recent years greatly exceeded income treasure. Therefore, the Republicans are asking the Obama sharp reduction in public spending, as long as the government does not approve an increase in public borrowing limit.
Hmm ... In that case, it should be a lot of money for the needed investments, such as pipeline hlektronikh Swinoujscie hlektronikh - Slovakia, or even the publication of Polish collections in Sweden and Russia as
Defeatism bank is lending huge domination of all kinds * of durable goods * such as real estate or securities with a total amnesia when it comes to financial products designed to finance the work and its results, development projects, etc.
The current form of government, hlektronikh the party of democracy allows the government party has been constructed by people whose goal may be to the destruction of the economy and the destruction of the state, and even annihilation of the Nation. It's like chicken bosses have agreed to list the house. Exceptionally, we Poles should know the concept of a hostile takeover of the state, because hlektronikh all our misfortune for
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