Friday, September 5, 2014

Peter says in fact that someone who is mature, is someone this fundamental and basic principles fin

1 Peter 5: 5 Likewise, ye younger, to be the elder; and be all clothed with humility in submission to one another, because God opposes the proud, but to the humble he gives grace.
Every Christian smoke testing who truly walk in the Spirit I believe would like to be spiritually mature. This is someone who desires to spiritually to be effective and to be what God wants him / her to be. It is a good desire, but it does not come automatically. smoke testing You must be a real effort to build your life on certain fundamental principles.
We have recently talked about practical Christianity. And it's not about a bunch of doctrines and creeds, but Christianity is a way of life. Spiritual maturity is not measured smoke testing by how much you know, but to the extent that the word reading, smoke testing learning and life.
If I call you and tell you that your house is beginning to burn, and you believe me, you will do something. You will call the fire department, or you will rush home and garden hose or a fire extinguisher and immediately grabbed something. But if you do not believe me, you might say to me it's very interesting, thank you for the information.
2 James says faith without works is dead. You can not say, I believe, but you do not act this way. It's like going to the service to say wow, the pastor did do but beautiful preaching, it was very interesting, smoke testing thank you for the information. But you do nothing about your own life.
Leaders are not born, babies are born. We sometimes believe that someone simply a natural gift or ability or talent. But when I think of all the hours I've already noticed a piano out and practiced, I wonder smoke testing sometimes if someone else put in as many hours that he / she can play piano and it is not so much a born talent is not.
Gary Player instance store every day 1000 golf balls at a driving range. Go save 1000 golf balls every day and see what happens. Within four years, you are a Pro. Yes, God gives people talents, but with it comes responsibility.
This section says: I need to practice smoke testing a clean conscience too. Maw. A conscience does not come automatically. The Spirit of the Lord strengthen us and help us, but I'm not uninvolved in this process.
We know that salvation is only found in Jesus Christ. There is not a mental exercise or religious ritual that you can do your salvation deserve. It is only by grace.
Spiritual maturity comes through that one time with God and spend time with His Word spending. This is when God changes your form and help you find out your Christianity practically live.
Spiritual maturity means mental capacity to own. How do I have this mental abilities? The verse says: the habit of exercising. Yes, you can also mental capabilities, but you get it through their senses exercised.
What are these mental abilities? The verse says: good and evil to distinguish. Someone who is mature, is someone smoke testing the mental capabilities and the ability to distinguish between good and evil.
Peter says in fact that someone who is mature, is someone this fundamental and basic principles finished right. These are not things which are still struggling to be. These principles should be finished in place.
We see from v1-4 he exhorts the elders. They must be pastors oversee the flock of God. V5 but he talked to the herd and he says: "Likewise, ye younger, the elder be;"
Like what? He was referring to previous things he mentioned earlier. Just as he had already talked about submission, so the younger ones too submissive. 1 Peter 2:13, 18 and 3: 1 talk about submission in different contexts, but the fundamental principle is that he emphasizes submission.
Then he comes in chapter 5v5 and say so shall ye younger submissive. Peter goes all the time back to the fundamentals. The principle on which he constantly hammer the principle of submission.
In Chapter 2 talked about. In chapter 3 he talked about. And now he mentions it again. Submission is not a new theme he used here. Rather, it is a theme that runs throughout the letter.
In 5 5 he speaks not so much of age. What he says is clear that the herd must be submissive to the shepherds. Ie they should be submissive smoke testing to those who are over them in the Lord. The spiritual young to be obedient to the spiritual smoke testing parent

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