Friday, May 1, 2015

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"[I]n any event, I never said 'The superman exists and he's American.' What I said was ' God exists and he's American.' If that statement starts to chill you after a couple of moments' consideration, then don't be alarmed. A feeling of intense and crushing religious terror at the concept indicates only that you are still sane." money box
Super Hero settings, like any other setting, end up somewhere on the Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism . On the more idealistic end, you have settings like mainstream comic books, money box where there's a sense of wonder and basic decency about the superhuman. While there are villains, they will usually get caught or their plans will be thwarted, and while the setting may take dark turns , it will inevitably right itself. Somewhere in the middle, you have settings that look at superpowers a bit more realistically. While the government may have supers, so will despotic regimes, organized crimes, money box and terrorist groups. The good guys may win, but victories will be hard fought and likely to have their share of losses. And then you have these settings. The world's not better for having superhumans. It's worse . The government has no safety net to deal with rogue supers, and it seems like there ain't nothing but rogue supers terrorizing Muggles or freaks on leashes . And that's just the so-called heroes, who are usually anything but , being all-too-aware of their superiority money box over the rest of the human race and a little too keen on arrogantly flaunting it . Maybe the crisis hasn't happened yet, but the way supers seem to be developing, it's only a matter of time until one of them blows up Pittsburgh and the rest go absolutely nuts. Not that they're exactly mentally-stable to begin with ; many will gleefully screw the rules with their powers , but it's almost money box guaranteed that at least one of them is developing a God-complex as a result of their powers, and that they're only one bad day away from trying to enslave or wipe out all of humanity (which they could easily do within an afternoon ).
These are often Darker and Edgier versions of more traditional Super Hero fare, and often use Take Thats against popular characters like Superman or Spider-Man (or that particular writer's money box perception of them ). Any hope for a Hope Spot in such a dire scenario may involve calling the Cape Busters .
Stories or articles involving The Singularity sometimes put forth the idea that in Real Life , enhanced humans may cause this situation. A milder version is Smug Super , in which the superpowered being in question isn't exactly malevolent money box or evil, but is still something of a jerk. If both Beware the Superman and Fantastic Racism toward metahumans are prevalent in a 'verse, expect things to get very ugly.
Trope title is a spin on the famous Nietzsche quote, "Behold the superman" note  Which itself is a takeoff on "Ecce Homo" ("Behold the man"), which is what Pilate said to the crowds after Jesus was scourged (as in "Behold the bermensch "). Super Dickery is a milder version of this trope. See also With Great Power Comes Great Insanity , Crapsack money box World , The Magocracy , Muggle Power , Transhuman Treachery . Contrast with Tall Poppy Syndrome , as the two are more-or-less ideological opposites. This is a common feature money box of stories following the Cape Punk model of storytelling. Examples:
Paptimus Scirocco from Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam is a Newtype money box supremacist who wishes to eliminate money box all mundanes. In After War Gundam X several belligerents use Newtypes to enhance their weapons and one side even uses Newtypes' existence to justify a racial/cultural supremacy ideology. Most of the existing Newtypes are reasonably nice people, but their existence has made the world a more warlike place. It is also implied people are less likely to look for solutions to the problems of war and conflict because they expect Newtypes to resolve them. Geass users in Code Geass might qualify if not for the fact that regular, non-geass-possessing individuals are still responsible for most of the world's woes anyway; money box it's just that pretty much everyone with a Geass tends to add even more misery on top of that. Baki the Grappler has setting where with enough training a martial artist can rival armies in strength. Three notable examples are: Biscuit Oliva, a man so strong he takes down e

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