Wednesday, January 8, 2014

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Scientists at the Center for Quantum Devices at the School of Engineering named McCormick web camera software (McCormick) at Northwestern University have demonstrated for the first time underwater imaging - red high-level, based on the lattice - the type II, the existing length - 20 times longer wavelength than visible light.
Center scientists, led by researchers Manijeh Razeghi and Walter P. Murphy, professors of electrical engineering and computer science, said that such technology is a choice of many and varied application in detecting terrorist activity, similar web camera software vision - Night, target identification web camera software and tracking missiles.
Any object, including the human body, a near-room web camera software temperature actively emits length - long wave (ten microns) radiation - infrared (LWIR). Tracking radiation imaging - infrared high-speed help to reveal profiles Humniim targets or objects at night when no other source of visible light. This visualization also has possible application in medicine where excessive hot or cold in the body can indicate inflammation, Wash - Blood issues or even pathological, such as cancerous tissue. web camera software Applying this method, the major components are photo - detectors (photodetectors) based on the composite material Mercury - Cadmium - Telluride mercury web camera software cadmium telluride, HgCdTe, MCT)) and photovoltaic - Ignorance type semiconductor quantum (quantum well photoconductors, QWIP). Two of them have limitations urged the research for alternative technologies. Grilles - the kind of indium II - arsenide / gallium - Antimonid (InAs / GaSb), first proposed by Nobel laureate Leo Esaki in 1973, have potential for use underwater - Red in 1987.
Such imaging includes, at a high level, made possible only in the nineties, when growing methods Afitksielim web camera software (epitaxial) for making semiconductor - pressed, such as molecular beam Afitksiit (molecular web camera software beam epitaxy), have to be advanced enough. "Jersey - Premier type II become the next generation of materials and visualization sub - red and replace the method of the MCT," says Li. "" Previous method has many limitations, especially in the longer lengths - Wave sub - red range critical for missile detection . "
The research group has recently developed lattice - New, called the M-type web camera software structure, which resulted in the efficiency of lattices - the group II to a new level. This new structure capable of detecting very low light intensity while maintaining high optical efficiency and electrical noise level reduction is ten times the original buildings. Array type LWIR focal plane and has a resolution of 320 256 pixels prepared using this new material was able to distinguish between different temperature zones gap between them is about 0.02 degrees Celsius. The facility web camera software was able to locate about 74 percent of the incident photons, similar to other leading technologies.
Night Vision is an artificial enhancement of visible light, like the moon, the stars and distant light sources. The whole idea is night vision sensors use light black and white (in all visible light; without filters green, red or blue) are much more sensitive to the color receptors in our bionic eye 14th, 2008
The process is that photo - detectors absorb infrared radiation - emitted red valves at, around and makes them the image is converted later in the image on the screen looks (different intensities of red fluorescence Underwater web camera software different colors are converted to visible light on the LCD screen June) 14th, 2008
There have been many years IR cameras based on sensors that absorb infrared radiation emitted by warm bodies (humans for example, vehicles, etc.) and present a clear picture on the screen that shows the view on the level of heat emission of each body and structure - and not based at all on increased starlight.
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