Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Aliens UFOs and paranormal parapsychology Astronomy Videos Aliens and UFO paranormal parapsychology

For the first time in space to detect noble gas compounds | UFO project - ateiviai.lt
Aliens UFOs and paranormal parapsychology Astronomy Videos Aliens and UFO paranormal parapsychology astronautics astronomy and ancient secrets Documentary Science and Technology Other More ... Science and Technology Ancient Secrets Other
New topics in the forum Do you want to participate in the mission "Mars One"? 28 / Apr / 13 - 2:37 pm Aliens Lithuania cctv5 dolphin shows 25 / Feb / 13 - 1:39 pm Soul circle of life and death. 19 / Feb / 13 - 10:03 pm Strange photo through Google Street View 02 / Feb / 13 - 12:38 pm I saw such ... 27 / Jan / 13 - 2:55 am Recent posts Alfoje neighboring Centauri - already two Earth-like planets and water worlds opportunity? Opportunity rover broke the marathon! Silence Zone: Mexico dykynėse mystical place where freaks looking for missing electromagnetic signals movie night. Great Earth catastrophes: cctv5 an asteroid wiped out from the surface of the dinosaurs (Video, EN, RU) Lovejoy comet astronomers Lithuania pictures cctv5 - no worse for NASA! (Photo, Video)
Inert gas to be assigned a helium, argon, radon, krypton, cctv5 usually can not easily react with other chemical elements. It is true that under the right circumstances, nevertheless they form certain compounds with other elements. Such compounds have so far been tested only in laboratories, so astronomers thought that space just such conditions arise.
"Crab Nebula was formed just before the year 1000, when a massive star exploded. The Crab Nebula is not only very young, but in pretty close, just 6500 light years away, which provides an excellent opportunity to analyze what is happening in stellar explosions, "- says Professor. Haley Gomez of Cardiff University, co-author of the study.
Light, cctv5 having come from certain regions of the Crab nebula, showed very intense molecular flow coming unusual frequency - Astronomers have discovered a strange signal peaks at 618 GHz and 1235 GHz. Databases accumulated knowledge cctv5 about the characteristics of different molecules have shown that the only explanation for such a flow of argon hydride ions.
"At first, cctv5 argon finding cctv5 such a place seemed cctv5 strange. The expansion of the hot gases at high speed after the explosion cctv5 of the supernova debris cctv5 is rough, hot and hostile environment, and one of those places where we We would hope to find at least an inert gas molecule, "- said lead study author Professor Mike Barlow of University College London.
According to new research carried out it seems that the Crab Nebula, created favorable conditions for formation of such molecules. Argon atoms formed during the initial explosion cctv5 of the star, and then jonizavosi with electrons separated from atoms due to intense radiation. He then had the cold filament formation - they contain cctv5 cold molecular hydrogen, consisting of two hydrogen atoms. Finally, the ionized argon mixed with these atšalusiomis gas and thus created perfect conditions for the formation cctv5 of inert gas.
"Obviously, we found that argon is different from that in which we can see rocks on Earth. Future measurements will allow us to understand exactly what was influenced by the explosion, which took place 1000 years ago, "- shared his plans for the future prof. Gomez.
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