Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Švarinkite floor. Vacuum the them. Room vacuuming with a HEPA filter equipped with pumps can reduce

The Faculty of Arts allergies, colds or even death - due to indoor air pollution
Weather has cooled premises spend very much time. Studies show that indoor air can be contaminated with up to ten times more than the field. United Nations Environment Protection Agency of indoor air pollution even mentions as one of the five most dangerous threats to human health. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization states p7 that more than thirty p7 percent of the buildings in the room have problems with air quality. But in the meantime, many underestimate the extent of the problem.
Hygiene norms dictate that a person favorable relative humidity is 35-65 percent. p7 Unfortunately, the beginning of the heating season, it falls below the recommended level. Dry air irritates the mucous membranes, increases the sensitivity of the air plintantiems chemical pollutants, viruses and allergens. It increased incidence of respiratory diseases, allergies and asthma exacerbations.
During p7 high humidity as well as harmful to the body. There are many studies that show a connection between indoor humidity and respiratory tract infections, cough and shortness of breath, asthma or asthma exacerbations formation. p7 Humidity is also associated with bronchitis and allergic rhinitis. When the humidity exceeds 70 percent., Begins to grow mold, which can also damage the respiratory system.
Swedish research shows that due to insufficient p7 air quality p7 die each year about half a thousand people. Cause of death - poisoning p7 naturally occurring radioactive gas - radon. It dissipates in the atmosphere and its content is very low. In confined spaces, such as inside buildings, radon can accumulate and reach a high moisture activity, causing a negative impact on human health. Scientifically proven to increase the concentration of radon in residential premises is one of the reasons for the formation of lung cancer.
Particularly sensitive to air pollutants are babies and small children. Sudden infant death usually occurs between puppies two weeks and one year old. It relates specifically to indoor air pollution, toxins, not of human origin. Such assumption was made because it was noticed that these deaths p7 occur more cold periods when the indoor air is more polluted.
The vast majority of newborns is brought back to a freshly painted or otherwise repaired premises. This seems to be the baby with a safe, sterile environment. In fact, there is likely a very high concentration of toxins. Babies should be as far as possible to protect p7 against new synthetic products. Before using them or to be washed p7 several times or ventilated.
Ventilate. Too high a concentration of carbon p7 dioxide in indoor air usually associated with ventilation problems - it is not completely or it is not suitable for a larger number of people. In the most general sense of the purpose of ventilation - removal of spent air from the room and change the air from the outside. In accommodation, the weather p7 should be replaced approximately every four hours, and school classrooms, workplaces ventilate should be intensified.
Švarinkite floor. Vacuum the them. Room vacuuming with a HEPA filter equipped with pumps can reduce useless various concentrations. Recommended pump rooms and two more times a week, to regularly change or clean the filters. It should also be neatisisakyti and wet floor cleaning, and to keep a large door mat.
Maintain adequate moisture level of the home. Cooking food, switch on the odor absorbers or open windows, and Besimaudant Open the ventilation openings. Neperlaistykite plants. If possible, the laundry to dry at room. Repair Dripping pipes and cranes.
- Viruses are spread in the environment will not go anywhere. They are both in summer and winter. Only one, the weather has cooled down, fail to adapt to changing environmental conditions. More often in the summer we open the windows and the room is better Ventilate. Winter time - save heat, less įsileidžiame fresh air. The possibility of quickly getting any colds and disease depends on whether or not the house we clean with a damp cloth. In this way, we collect a wide range of microbes. p7 If the dust is cleaned only with a whisk - caused by clouds of dust and germs and viruses after coming back on the surface.
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