Saturday, March 28, 2015

Recent Posts The US holiday sales season begins May 9 greeting will be carried out 15 Russian citie

Pools are used as therapeutic factors of mineral water generated by geological processes on land and Johns various salts. On the composition of the separated gas radon, hydrogen sulphide, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and water Mineral - chloride, hydrogen carbonate, nitrate and sulfide.
In addition, the chemical composition of the water will help to divide them into ferruginous, silicate, arsenic and yodbromnye contain various biologically active trace elements. By mineral salts in a 1-liter number of grams, they are divided safe box into the water high, medium and low salinity.
Pools, their health benefits on the basis of mineral water baths on the human body. Gas and salt dissolved in water tickets have a certain effect on the local skin receptors.
Carbonated mineral baths improve the cardiovascular system and their influence safe box on favorable coronary circulation, they normalize blood pressure and stimulates safe box the central nervous system and the endocrine glands. Russian resorts that use this type of water is Kislovodsk and Darasun.
Hydrogen sulfide safe box baths skin dilates blood vessels, making it easier for the heart to help heal skin lesions secrete protein decomposition products. Hydrogen sulfide is resolving, anti-inflammatory, desensitizing and analgesic effect. Cardiovascular effects of its flights to Riga is the same as the carbon dioxide baths. Russian resorts, which is treated safe box with hydrogen sulfide baths, located in Pyatigorsk and Sochi Matseste.
Effects of radon baths in the body caused by alpha radiation, which is released during the decay of radon atoms. Radon is an analgesic and sedative effect, lowers blood pressure, improves heart function. According to his injury heal faster bone and muscle tissue influences.
Baths, and use a therapeutic effect of mineral water, which it is swallowed. It is because the liquid contained salts, trace elements, gas. Mineral water is usually used for the digestive safe box system Vilnius Amsterdam safe box Flights treatment.
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