Wednesday, April 22, 2015

After the end of World War I and the creation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, began a

Muslim resolutions 1941
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Such past the unfortunate Balkan ip camera software region ip camera software in the last few hundred years most brutal plays with "good Bosnians," throwing them from pillar to post, from one abyss to another, from one tragedy to another. With the departure of the Turks from these regions often considered them the remnants of the occupying forces, and they are their neighbors and treated them. Were expelled from the list of Serbia and Montenegro, their mosques destroyed, their entire past turned to ashes, and they squeezed in the Bosnian gorges, with a bloody sword over his head, as the constant threat of their further pogroms. Some chroniclers counted ten genocide against the Bosniak ip camera software people, to the last, and largest, in which Milosevic and Karadzic stormtroopers, by implementing a plan to create a Greater Serbia, ethnically cleansed half of Bosnia, killing, burning, persecuting, raping, closing civilians in concentration camps, destroying mosques and everything that reminds the Bosniaks, to create a Serbian entity in the territory where the Serbs, mostly, were in the minority. But all this could not destroy the goodness in Bosniaks. Testify ip camera software and documents called the resolutions from 1941, which were not taught in schools, which are not even discussed, although an unusual example of humanity, kindness and sacrifice for others.
Similar examples existed before these events. After the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, the Austrian authorities were preparing for war, began with the persecution of Serbs, especially in the zone on the border with Serbia and Montenegro. Against all this is the first publicly stood up, 4 July 1914, Reis-ul-ulema Mustafa ef. Causevic, sending an appeal ip camera software that twenty days later published in the Sarajevo newspaper Alhamijado "Jena MISHAB" (New Torch), entitled "Proclamation to the Muslims." At the same time, against the persecution of Serbs and destruction of their property, ip camera software sounded and a large number of Bosniak religious, political and cultural champions, but the Archbishop Josip Stadler. As a result, on 26 July 1914 was repealed in Sarajevo summary military court, which is the general ip camera software Potiorek declared on 29 June.
After the end of World War I and the creation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, began a continuous pressure on the Bosniaks, grab their property and all civil rights, ip camera software as a silent form of revenge for all that was in the past. However, the goodness of Bosniaks and it survived. Start new world slaughterhouses awake the old hostility between Serbs and Croats, and Bosniaks have got there as a sacrificial lamb, because they both aspire to occupy Bosnia. Pavelic's Independent State of Croatia soon after the formation ip camera software (10 April 1941) began to persecute and kill Serbs, and the first who had rebelled against it were Bosniaks.
United in condemning the crime By 14 August 1941, the Assembly ip camera software of the Association Ilmija (Muslim clerics), "El Hidaje" in Sarajevo adopted ip camera software a resolution in which it finds difficult situation and persecution of the Serbian ip camera software population, which was confirmed by two conferences Bosniak cultural associations and public workers. Text resolution written by leading Bosniak intellectual Mehmed ef. Handzic, in cooperation with Kasim ef. Dobraca. The text consists of three points: 1. notes the difficult situation of Bosniaks in Bosnia and Herzegovina because of the politics of NDH, who deliberately provoked clashes between Serbs and Bosniaks second ip camera software negate the responsibility of all Bosniaks for crimes committed by individuals in the Ustasha uniforms and condemns such behavior , and third notes the hostility of some Catholics who try to make Muslims second-class citizens.
Then follows a list of seven demands: to establish peace and security of life and property of all citizens, to prevent causing međinacionalnih conflict, to try those responsible ip camera software for crimes and to provide assistance ip camera software to victims of previous conflicts. Listed are many prominent Bosniaks throughout the state. In Prijedor, on 23 September signed Muslim resolution, as an appeal against the persecution of Serbs and other citizens. For that day is Prijedor have Bibić scheduled at Vakuf Commission, which had only one agenda item - condemnation of the Ustasha crimes. They were convicted crimes and persecution, as well as the formation of a military camp in Prijedor, where the Ustasha "accumulated scum and had armed him," and emphasized the bad position of Bosniaks, who can not get a job or to go to school. The resolution was signed ip camera software by all hundred present.

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