Wednesday, April 29, 2015

So Trieste became part of the Habsburg apex systems state, and his Maria Theresa had the status of

In the south and southwest of the country of Austria, apex systems namely Cisleithania we can include Coastal governorate based in Trieste that obsezala the Trieste hinterland with Istria, Kranjska, Dalmatia with Bosnia and Herzegovina. For this country is characterized by a very small number apex systems of German-speaking population gathered almost exclusively in Kranjska, apex systems many Slavs, few Italians who were at the time of publication of this collection were the Croats and Slovenes in the conflict. Obsiže Dalmatia with Bosnia, two countries that are as always very intensively communicated in the area of espionage and trade. In the XIX. c. Trade is constantly declining, but not espionage because Dalmatia after 1849 became the springboard for the Austrian penetration in southeast and a strong military base, which will be decided upon irredentism and imperialism of the Kingdom of Italy. This section apex systems will be opsegnuto Italian and Slovenian population of Carinthia, Styria and Tyrol. These countries are increasingly apex systems dependent on Trieste as the headquarters of the Austrian maritime and trade, and on the Fire as the main Austrian naval port, the point that ruled over the Adriatic Sibenik, Visa and Boka. The latter is especially true of Dalmatia, which was tied with Trieste merchant and maritime relations, but also for Bosnia in which he penetrated Trieste capital. Austria-Hungary over Bosnia and the Austrian Lloyd penetrated to the southeast, across Bosnia by land and by sea through Lloyd's, especially after the opening of the Suez Canal.
Work Die österreichisch-ungarische Monarchie in Wort und Bild. [1] contains several works dedicated to Trieste. The first work on the situation, the national life, the historical and cultural development of Trieste (Landschaftlich Lage, Volksleben, Geschichtliche und Entwicklung apex systems culturelle Triests, pp. 51-92) by Franz Świda [2] we read of the arrival in Trieste as closely travelogue style with testimony the common people (me - wir) of authors and readers. Swida warns of huge difference rocky hinterland and the coastal landscape of Trieste, mentioned apex systems monument to Francis Joseph, who raised the cane in recognition of the railroad that was built on the emperor's motive. Then he describes the landscape of the city as nice. Since in this way the city presented the reader Swida exceed the description of the history that begins with the arrival of the Romans on the place where the Apennine apex systems peninsula meets the Balkan. Romans founded, Tergeste, at about the time of war the consul Sempronius Tuditanusa, the author does not know exactly when, but believed that it was about 129 BC. Remains of Roman defense system are still visible, and Trieste was the bulwark of Roman Italy, which is the division of the Empire opsizala Istria to Rasa. There is a close Swida Italian writers. Trieste for the Romans is not an important city, more important Aquileia as a hub routes. Names like Arco di Riccardo and Re Carlo as memories of Richard the Lionheart and the winner of the Lombards have no historical justification. The author notes that are still around apex systems Trieste apex systems robbers killed classicist art historian Johann Joachim Winckelmann.
Then Swida moves to Trieste in the description of the Western Empire, but Lothar Italian kingdom, which is the Trieste area inspire bishops Ivana. Biuskup Brisset di Toppo he gave up in 1295 with the consent apex systems of the patriarch regalia and rights to appoint Gastaldi in Trieste for 200 marks and is also communes apex systems acquired autonomy, develops, 1313-1319. brings the town charter, defends himself from the bishop who tried to again take over the city. The city still depends on the Patriarch of Aquileia, which is moreover the Istrian Margrave, suffers from a Venetian rivalries, and the Venetians took it in 1369 and ruled until 1381, and then he was even recognized independence. but he still had to beg Trieste Habsburg Leopold III. to protect him from Venice. His power however was only nominal and is in Trieste broke out civil war that choked Emperor Friedrich III. and I came to Trieste 1470th
So Trieste became part of the Habsburg apex systems state, and his Maria Theresa had the status of a free port, the port expanded and passed laws against trafficking in 1758 and the city began to rapidly develop and grow, in 1777 he was already 20 000 inhabitants. Trieste apex systems constitution pushed Maria Theresa that introduced contemporary clerical authority, Joseph II. poor ignored the municipal authorities and the town charter completely end the Napoleon 1809-1813. After the French apex systems authorities had not managed more city mayor, but political and economic magistrate. apex systems Swida points out that in Trieste often came Napoleon's relatives Jerôme, Caroline Murat, Elise BACCIOCCHI to revive social life, and later exiled apex systems Bourbons. For Świda is a sign that Napoleon attached particular importance to Trieste and the Trieste was an important city.
After Napoleon apex systems was founded in Borgo Franceschini, the city gets a facelift and expanded in 1875 by architect Giuseppe Bruni built Town Hall, a new church for the Lutherans apex systems of the Augsburg confession in the Gothic and Serbian church in Byzantine style. Immigrant Augsburg općoina kept the German language, but not the Swiss who accepts Italian. Immigrants Greeks were in favor of another Maria Theresa in 1753 and they allowed me to build

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