Monday, April 20, 2015

Neither the Earth nor the Sun

According to data from NASA's Space Flight Center Marshall, in the summer or autumn of 2013, the sun will reach its solar maximum, and his freckles pinnacle of his eleven-year cycle. Despite the seeming regularity of solar cycles, each has its own peculiarities why remain somewhat unpredictable. Time is a cycle of 11 years average, but there were cycles of 14, as well as those of 9 years. In addition, solar storms during solar minimum when does daylight savings end 2013 may be stronger than those that appear during the latter's maximum.
How solar science is constantly advancing, scientists are discovering new ways of studying and predicting the behavior of our star, whose whims dependent our way of life based on the technology. What upcoming climax means of solar storms and how they will impact have on Earth, remains to be seen.
The solar cycle is recorded from minimum to minimum so somewhere around mid-cycle performance solar maximum. Scientists when does daylight savings end 2013 do not know why the interval cycle just 11 years, but they are well-studied mechanism that causes the formation of solar flares and coronal when does daylight savings end 2013 mass ejection (CME).
Sun's magnetic field, like Earth's, resulting movement of material inside. However, the Earth's magnetic field maintains the motion of molten metal in the outer part of the core, while the sun's magnetic field is a motion of plasma - superheated state of matter in which electrons are separated from atoms leaving behind something like the gaseous body drawn up of positive ions and free electrons.
Neither the Earth nor the Sun's magnetic field is not symmetrical, stable or static, and solar is also much more complex. The sun has a lot more than just two poles, as there are Earth, the magnetic field that is constantly expanding, when does daylight savings end 2013 bending and turning. Map of solar magnetic structures at all times is more like a ball of thread zamršenome than pravilnome toroid depict it in the illustrations, and during the eleven-year cycle of his entire magnetic structure is completely reversed. It constantly swirl, snaking and intertwining produces solar activity that affects the rest of the solar system.
Solar activity consists of three main units: the differential rotation, plasma and magnetic field, says C. Alex Young, a solar astrophysicist and one of the directors of the Department of Heliophysical science at NASA Center Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. Differential rotation means that Sun controls the speed and direction and the extent and depth of the rotation, which causes when does daylight savings end 2013 the interaction of plasma and magnetic field. "All the twists inside out. It's like having a wooden plane that hangs on the elastic band. You can rotate in all directions until the cord does not become trapped, "says Young. "But when the sun's magnetic field lines intertwine in a knot, one in the form of bubbles rise to the surface, where they produce what we call the Sunspots." Some sunspot has many thousands of times more magnetic strength than that of the entire Earth's magnetic field and sufficient strength to pushes the heat, so in areas where clearance spot around 3500 degrees, or about 1,700 degrees cooler than the surrounding areas.
Sunspot is visibly darker than the rest of the Sun's surface and can last for days or weeks, but a tangled magnetic field lines of force which caused it not to remain tangled. When they untangle, "magnetic field becomes really unstable, reconfigures itself and releases when does daylight savings end 2013 energy - elastic band shot," says Young. It releases energy that produces light in the form of solar flares, solar mass ejection (CME) at the same time or both.
Although the terms of solar flares and CME are used interchangeably, they are not. "The solar flare is a brief reflection of electromagnetic radiation from radio waves to gamma radiation, the entire electromagnetic spectrum. CME is actually about one billion tons of solar plasma and magnetic field. For this reason, physicists often talk about CME as the magnetnome cloud. It's a big bubble of plasma traveling at a speed of about 1.5 to 8,000,000 kilometers per hour and, if directed toward when does daylight savings end 2013 the Earth, reaching the within 2-3 days.
The largest solar mass ejection that hit the Earth, called the "Carrington event", allowed the scientists to understand the correlation between solar activity and the Earth's magnetic field. The CME, which took place in 1859, disrupted the little electric technology used at that time, and disturbances were most noticeable primarily on a system of telegraphy.
Since then there have been several smaller ejections, whose influence is felt on the achievements of the modern world. 1972 CME was the cause geomagnetic storms that hit the telephone when does daylight savings end 2013 lines in Illinois. 1989 burned the powerful transformers in New Jersey, and six million people in Quebec were without electricity for half a day. 2003 because of the storm "Halloween" several places were without electricity and disabled several satellites. 200

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