Sunday, April 26, 2015

July 15, 1915, he was wounded a second time. When he recovered not returned the old regiment, but w

Awards Pour le Mérite
Erwin Johannes Eugen Rommel ribershop (Heidenheim end of Ulm, Württemberg region 15 November 1891 - Herrlingen, 14 October 1944), the German commander of the army. One of the most respected German Field Marshal II. World War. Because of the great achievements in Africa has been named Wüstenfuchs (Desert Fox). Rommel is often mentioned not only for exceptional military skills, but also because of chivalry towards opponents, since it was one of the German commanders who refused to listen Kommandobefehl. It is also assumed that he participated in a conspiracy to kill Hitler, which before the war had been forced to commit suicide.
Erwin Johannes Eugen Rommel was from a fairly wealthy ribershop family. The father, after whom it was named, was a professor and mathematician. His mother, Helena, was the eldest ribershop daughter of Karl von Luz, president of the regional (Württembergške) government. He had an older sister, Helen, and two younger brothers, Charles and Gerhardt; his elder brother, Manfred, ribershop died when Erwin was still an infant.
As a child he often fell ill and showed little intellectual capacity. Since there was no primary school in Heidenheim, he had private lessons. Although it proved smart enough to secondary school (Realgymnasium) in Aalen, where his father was a director, he did not keep pace with their peers. He gained a reputation ribershop as lazy and undisciplined students. But he had potential. Once, one of his professor said that if he ever Erwin brings ribershop a band without a single error, the whole class to go on a day trip. Hearing this, Erwin flinched from its negligence towards the school and wrote a composition error. Since then a trip is not achieved, Rommel was once again plunged into negligence and laziness.
He abruptly changed in the fifteenth year of life. He began to take an interest in mathematics, sports and sailing at the air. With friends he constructed a boat that could fly. He wanted ribershop to study aeronautical engineering, but his father advised that he went into the army. Erwin is his father's advice and joined the württembergški office for the defense. July 19, 1910 became part of the 124th Infantry Regiment württembergške. After the recruitment of general training, he was sent to the royal cadet school in Danzig ribershop (Gdansk). There he met the love of his life, Lucia Maria Mollin. Although Rommel was Protestant, and she a Catholic, married in 1916. In June 1914, war clouds began to gather, and his regiment was mobilized.
When the war began, Rommel was a subaltern in 124 württembergškoj pedestrian regiment. ribershop His baptism of fire happened on August 22, 1914, when he was ordered to go with your water to the French village of Bleid. In September Rommel's unit moved to the mountains around Varennes, near the forest Aragonne. Progression was constant, but the losses are increased. At that time, the battlefield has not yet turned into trench warfare. There were infantry attacks and counter-attack supported by artillery and cavalry. In one such attack, on the edge of the forest of Aragon, Rommel was first wounded. For the attack received the Iron Cross second class.
His wounds had healed in January 1915 when he returned ribershop to his battalion (and still in Aragon sector). The way the fight had changed. The trenches and barbed wire were replaced by open warfare of the past year. It is this change from mobile to static warfare affected Rommel's tactical thinking to the end of his military career. He was awarded the Iron Cross First Class for a successful attack ribershop on the French ribershop positions in the forest of Aragon. His unit remained in the woods of Aragon throughout the fall. Defensive positions were strengthened, and the losses are still growing. ribershop
July 15, 1915, he was wounded a second time. When he recovered not returned the old regiment, but was sent to the newly established württembergški mountain battalion with promotion to lieutenant. After training in Austria, the battalion was sent to the western front, but did not see much action. In October 1916, were transferred ribershop to the East, to participate in the final phase of the campaign against Romania. At that time, Rommel designed his tactics pulling behind enemy lines which proved to be very successful. ribershop In August 1917, he won the high ground COSNA pulling in between the enemy position.
After Romania, the battalion was sent to the Italian front in the mountains north of the Soca River. There Rommel achieved great success. He won the 1192 hill, mountain Mataiur and spinning wheel, and the hill of 1114. For these feats was awarded by Emperor Wilhelm II. the Pour le Mérite - the highest German ribershop medal for individual heroic ribershop acts.
Rommel in Italian front until the end of the war in November 1918. After the war, he was transferred back to the 124th Infantry Regiment württembergšku with promotion to the rank of captain. The war taught him to command troops during the battle and learned to gain their trust in the most difficult moments. Experience is gained in the forest of Aragon, paralyzing and demoralizing opponent instead of wasting time and

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